, Title, Period, Venue, Contents, Date, Attach 상세정보 입니다.
Title Revelation of Buddha in Life, Arhat
Period 2003-05-07 ~ 2003-06-16
Venue ExhibitionⅠ

The National Folk Museum of Korea has the opportunity to showcase five hundred Arhat paintings donated by artist Lee Suk-il under the theme ofRevelation of Buddha in Life, Arhat, in the hope of exploring the inner workings of the Arhat religion, one of the major religious themes of Buddhism. In this exhibition, 518 pieces of Arhat paintings which have been captured in an unique style, and inspired by the 500 Arhat figures located in Geojoam Eunhaesa of Gyeongbuk Youngcheon, will be introduced. It will also exhibit related artifacts and photographs in order to help us find the true meaning and characteristics of the Arahan religion in Buddhism. The introductory section, The Telling of Buddhism Through Pictures,' will introduce the life and art of Lee- Suk-Il using Yeongsanhwaesangdo as the setting. Part 1, 'The Religious World of Arahan,will take a look at the materialization, development and hidden meaning of the Arahan religion of Korea, through the features of Arahan that appeared in documentary records and oral folk tales. Part 2,The Eternal Smile of Arahan,will display the artist's works in freestyle oil paints instead of traditional Buddhist techniques, using primary colors without the inhibition of configurations along with paper, posture and the method of expression, in order to explore the Arahan world and to take a look at the composition and art world of the artist. The present exhibition was prepared in acknowledgement of the noble ideas of artist Lee Suk-Il. It is intended to raise society's interest in the collection and safe keeping of Buddhist art, and to induce future contributions of Buddhist related art works.

Date 2008-06-23