• When a portrait is donated, a reproduction can be made of it and presented to the donor if he or she so wishes.

Donation Period

  • Open all year round

Donated Items

  • Archive materials (photographs or video footage, sound, document, record, etc.) on the subject of or pertaining to folk customs, daily life, folklore, anthropology, museology, etc. that have been recorded or collected by individuals, groups or researchers.

Donation Procedure

01. Application for Intention to Donate Form
  • The donor applies for the Intention to Donate form from the museum by telephone, e-mail or personal visit.
02. Preliminary Investigation
  • The museum investigates the collection route of the archive material (including copyrights, portrait rights, etc.), the condition and quantity of its original form (depending on the medium), and issues a temporary receipt to the donor.
03. Discussion by the Collection Committee
  • The Collection Committee is convened to discuss the receipt of archive materials to be donated.
04. Receipt of Donation as Archive Material
  • The museum registers the receipt of the donation as an archive material from the donor. When a donation is not accepted, the material is returned to the donor.
05. Confirmation of Receipt of Donated Archive Material
  • The museum issues the receipt for the donated archive material.

Donations may be rejected.

  • When the process of collection or source of ownership of the material to be donated is of a controversial nature.
  • When the material to be donated is severely damaged, and thus considered too difficult to preserve.
  • When the donor proposes conditions that are deemed unacceptable.

Treatment of Donated Archive Materials

  • Donated materials are processed in a digital format (in case of analogue data) or as meta-data.
  • Donated materials are registered in the Folk Archive Material Management System.
  • Donated materials are utilized for museum projects and released online.

Donors’ Privileges

  • Each donor receives a certificate of donation and his/her name is included in the list of donors in Exhibition Hall 3 of the museum.
  • When a material is judged to be very valuable, a citation or a medal of honor may be considered.


  • For further inquiries about donations, please contact the Department of Relics at the National Folk Museum of Korea: ☎ 031-580-5813.