The Role of Museums and Multiculture in Korea

작성자 : 국립민속박물관
2009-04-21 조회수 : 1250

The Role of Museums and Multiculture in Korea

- Venue : Press Center, International Conference Room(20F)
- Date : May 4th, 2009(Mon) 09:30~17:00 

09:30~10:00 Register
  Section Ⅰ Shin-Pyo Kang Chairman
10:00~10:30 Presentations In-Whoe Kim, Professor Emeritus of Yonsei University (KOREA)
Strategic possibility discussion towards multicultural coexistence society :    Focusing on the role of museum education
10:30~11:00 Yi-Seon Kim, Research Fellow of Korean Women’s Development Institute (KOREA)
The development of multicultural societies and the challenge in front of the museums
11:00~11:30 Nancy Abelmann, Professor of University of Illinois (USA)
Culture museums in the post-cultural era
11:30~11:40 Break Time
11:40~12:30 Discussion Yong-Ho Cha, Chang-Ho Lee, Eun-Mi Yi
12:30~14:00 LUNCH
14:00~14:30 Opening Ceremony
Opening Address Gwang-Seop Shin, Director of the National Folk Museum of Korea
Greeting In-Chon Yu, Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism
Ki-Dong Bae, President of The Korean Museum Association
  Section Ⅱ Chong-Sun Rhi Chairman 
14:30~15:00 Presentations Udo Gößwald, Director of Museum Neukölln (GERMANY)  
How do we deal with migration in European museums?
15:00~15:30 Maria Vlachaki, University of Thessaly (GREECE)
Looking at the museum through an immigrant's glasses : Harmonizing museum's educational role with immigrants' perceptions  
15:30~16:00 Hideki Tarumoto, Professor of Hokkaido University (JAPAN)
Museums in multicultural societies : Focusing on the case of Japan
16:00~16:10 Break Time
16:10~17:00 Discussion Kwang-Kyu Lee, Seong-Mi Han, Kwon Huh
17:00 Closing Remarks