, Title, Period, Venue, Contents, Date, Attach 상세정보 입니다.
Title Restoration and Reproduction of the Folding Screen and Its Mounting
Period November 19(Tue.), 2024-October 19(Sun.), 2025
Venue Open Conservation Science Room of the National Folk Museum of Korea in Paju

  • Title: Restoration and Reproduction of the Folding Screen and Its Mounting
  • Period: November 19(Tue.), 2024-October 19(Sun.), 2025
  • Venue: ‘Open Conservation Science Room’ of the National Folk Museum of Korea in Paju
  • Material:Folding Screen of the Astronomical Chart Showing both the Traditional Joseon and Western Styles (Treasure)〉’s Replica
the appearance of an exhibition hall

the appearance of an exhibition hall

Date 2024-11-19
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