, Title, Period, Venue, Contents, Date, Attach 상세정보 입니다.
Title Wood and Paper in Korean Traditional Crafts
Period 2004-10-06 ~ 2004-11-15
Venue ExhibitionⅠ

With its focus on the theme of ICOM 2004 Seoul "Museums and Intangible Heritage", the exhibition "Wood and Paper in Korean Traditional Arts and Crafts" is designed for you to experience the beauty of Korean craft culture and the noble spirit of artisans who have carried on the tradition of Korean craft. Displayed at the exhibition are woodenware items such as soban (small tables) and bandaji (clothes chests with a hinged front flap); charming paper craft items; and handcrafted paper flowers such as gungjungsanghwa (table flowers used in court banquets), bulhwa (Buddhist ritual flowers), and muhwa (shamanic flowers). Through these exhibits, you will have the opportunity to experience their symbolic significance and folklore wisdom as well as the beauty of their lines, planes, and patterns dwelling in the lives of Koreans.

Date 2008-06-23
이전글, 다음글 등의 정보가 있습니다.
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