번호, 제목, 내용, 글쓴이, 등록일, 조회 상세정보 입니다.
Season Summer
Period 23 August 2021 (solar calendar)
Introduction "Cheoseo" (處暑), which means "end of heat," is the fourteenth of the twenty-four seasonal sub-divisions, or solar terms, of the lunar calendar, or the period when the Ecliptic rises to 165° over the horizon.

"Cheoseo" (處暑), which means "end of heat," is the fourteenth of the twenty-four seasonal sub-divisions, or solar terms, of the lunar calendar, or the period when the Ecliptic rises to 165° over the horizon.

경기도 여주의 영저포쇄차례
Yeongjeong Poswe Charye in Yeoju City, Gyeonggi-do
영정과 차례준비
Preparing the Portrait and Ritual
Baerye Ceremony

As with the meaning of "Cheoseo," the summer heat ends and the season manifests its course of time from summer to fall. There is a saying that "Autumn comes to the Earth on the back of crickets, and to Heaven over thick clouds." And, as the saying "Past Cheoseo, the mosquito’s mouth gets crooked" implies, the weather cools and even diehard mosquitoes vanish. Around this time, people would visit and tidy up their family graves, and noble men and women would dry out damp books and clothes during the summer, or "Poswe" (曝曬).

성년의 날 행사
오늘 처서_조선일보
처서풍경_이억영 그림
"Today Is Cheoseo" in the Chosun Ilbo
"Landscape of Cheoseo" by Lee Eok-yeong

Since the weather around "Cheoseo" attracted much attention, many superstitious proverbs originate from this season. For example, if it rained on "Cheoseo" (known as "Cheoseo rain") grains stored in earthenware would diminish, hence the saying, "From a dozen Cheoseo rains, a multitude of grains are lost," or "When it rains on Cheoseo, the rice in the jar decreases." In other words, to farmers it was only natural that many crops would be lost if it rained on "Cheoseo".